Pulmonary hemorrhage is a rare and often fatal complication of systemi
c lupus erythematosus (SLE). Treatment with high-dose steroids and cyc
lophosphamide has been of only modest value, with a reported mortality
of up to 92%. We have recently seen three patients with active SLE wh
o developed acute life-threatening pulmonary hemorrhage. Diagnostic ev
aluation of these patients showed negative sputum and blood cultures,
negative glomerular basement membrane antibodies, and negative antineu
trophilic cytoplasmic antibodies. In two patients, an open-lung biopsy
was performed, and histological examination showed granular alveolar
immunofluorescence staining for immunoglobulin and complement componen
ts. Treatment with plasmapheresis was initiated with prompt resolution
of symptoms and clearing of chest radiograph. Two patients had recurr
ent bleeds despite treatment with cyclophosphamide and high-dose stero
ids and required repeated intubation. Plasmapheresis resulted in rapid
radiographic and clinical improvement on each occasion. Two patients
survived long-term and are presently without pulmonary problems; one p
atient died of sepsis after initial response to plasmapheresis. The dr
amatic improvement of the pulmonary disease in these patients leads us
to conclude that rapid initiation of plasmapheresis should be strongl
y considered in SLE patients with severe, life-threatening pulmonary h
emorrhage. Copyright (C) 1994 by W.B. Saunders Company