The elastic stress field produced in an arbitrarily layered cylinder s
ubjected to diametrically opposed loads is examined and subsequently e
mployed to investigate the transverse strengths of tungsten-cored boro
n and carbon-cored silicon carbide fibers measured from diametral comp
ression tests. The displacement formulation of linear elasticity and t
he local/global stiffness matrix method are used to obtain solutions f
or stress and displacement components in a composite cylinder consisti
ng of annular linear elastic isotropic shells under the assumption of
plane strain. It is found that the presence of the carbon and tungsten
cores in the ceramic fibers gives rise to a tensile stress concentrat
ion at the core/outer shell interface under diametral compressive load
ing. This is shown to contribute to a significant loss of apparent tra
nsverse strength. The solution also provides insight into first-stage
consolidation of alloy-coated ceramic fibers. Elevated hoop stresses a
re shown to occur at fiber-fiber contacts that result in a reduction i
n the yield coefficient from that of homogeneous alloy fibers. Thus, t
he initiation of the yield mechanism of consolidation can be accomplis
hed at lower applied loads when a ceramic fiber is present.