GLUT3 glucose transporter gene expression is confined to neurons, whil
e GLUT1 gene expression is limited to endothelial cells in normal brai
n. Thus far, neither of the GLUT genes has been shown to be consistent
ly expressed in glial cells in adult brain in vivo under normal condit
ions. However, GLUT gene expression may be aberrant in human brain gli
al tumors. The present investigation shows that the GLUT1 and GLUT3 tr
anscripts are differentially expressed in a series of 20 human brain t
umors. The GLUT1/actin mRNA ratio increased in parallel to the astrocy
toma grade, compared to a control human brain cortex, although no chan
ge in this ratio was seen in 5 meningiomas. Immunoreactive GLUT1 prote
in was not detectable in human brain tumors, including high-grade glio
mas. Both 4.2 or 2.7 kb GLUT3/actin mRNA ratios showed a linear correl
ation with the glioma grade (P < 0.025), and the GLUT3-immunoreactive
protein was also expressed in high grade gliomas. These studies provid
e evidence for induction of GLUT1 and GLUT3 gene expression in maligna
nt glial cells, and the mRNA levels correlate with the biologic aggres
siveness of the tumor. The detection of immunoreactive GLUT3, but not
GLUT1, in the high grade gliomas suggest the GLUT3 isoform may be the
predominant glucose transporter in highly malignant glial cells of hum
an brain.