Ka. Phillips et al., A COMPARISON OF DELUSIONAL AND NONDELUSIONAL BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDERIN 100 CASES, Psychopharmacology bulletin, 30(2), 1994, pp. 179-186
A controversial issue that was debated for DSM-IV is whether body dysm
orphic disorder (BDD)-a preoccupation with an imagined defect in appea
rance-can be psychotic. BDD is classified separately from its delusion
al counterpart (delusional disorder, somatic type) in DSM-IV, but does
it have a psychotic variant that overlaps with, and may even be the s
ame diagnostic entity as, its delusional disorder variant? One hundred
consecutive patients with DSIW-III-R-defined BDD or its delusional va
riant were assessed with a semistructured interview, the structured Cl
inical Inverview for DSM-III-R, and a modified version of the Yale-Bro
wn Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). The 48 patients with nondelusi
onal BDD were compared with the 52 patients with delusional BDD (i.e.,
delusional disorder, somatic type). The two groups did not differ sig
nificantly in terms of most variables examined, including demographics
, phenomenology, course, associated features, comorbidity, and treatme
nt response. Thus, BDD may have a psychotic subtype that significantly
overlaps with, and may even be the same disorder as, its delusional d
isorder variant. However, delusional subjects had higher total scores
on the modified Y-BOCS, suggesting that the delusional variant of BDD
may be a more severe form of the disorder. Although preliminary, these
findings have implications for BDD's treatment and classification, su
ggesting that inclusion of a delusional (psychotic) subtype of BDD sho
uld be considered for future editions of DSM.