We investigate the impact of hierarchical galaxy merging on the statis
tics of gravitational lensing of distant sources. Since no definite th
eoretical predictions for the merging history of luminous galaxies exi
st, we adopt a parameterized prescription, which allows us to adjust t
he expected number of pieces comprising a typical present galaxy at z
similar to 0.65. The existence of global parameter relations for ellip
tical galaxies and constraints on the evolution of the phase space den
sity in dissipationless mergers, allow us to limit the possible evolut
ion of galaxy lens properties under merging. We draw two lessons from
implementing this lens evolution into statistical lens calculations: (
1) The total optical depth to multiple imaging (e.g., of quasars) is q
uite insensitive to merging. (2) Merging leads to a smaller mean separ
ation of observed multiple images. Because merging does not reduce dra
stically the expected lensing frequency, it cannot make; lambda-domina
ted cosmologies compatible with the existing lensing observations. A c
omparison with the data from the HST Snapshot Survey shows that models
with little or no evolution of the lens population are statistically
favored over strong merging scenarios. A specific merging scenario pro
posed to Toomre can be rejected (95% level) by such a comparison. Some
versions of the scenario proposed by Broadhurst, Ellis, and Glazebroo
k are statistically acceptable.