The chemical record in Loch Lomond sediments deposited since the end o
f the last Ice Age provides evidence of the Flandrian marine transgres
sion some 5500-7000 C-14 years B.P., sedimentation rates and the influ
ence of man's local activities, environmental pollution and its source
s since the onset of the Industrial Revolution, and of elemental mobil
ity linked with the reduction-diffusion-oxidation cycle of early sedim
entary diagenesis. Information derived from vertical profiles of halog
en elements bromine and iodine, radionuclides C-14 and Pb-210, heavy m
etals lead, zinc, and cadmium, stable lead isotopes Pb-206 and Pb-207,
and redox-sensitive elements manganese, iron and arsenic is reviewed
and assessed.