A neonate presented with the fetal hypokinesia sequence and signs of s
pinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Severe pathological changes including ba
llooned neurons and neuronophagia were found not only in the motor ner
ve nuclei but also in the thalamic, cerebellar, and brainstem nuclei a
s well as in the dorsal root ganglia Direct DNA analysis showed the pr
esence of a chimeric SMN gene, with a rearrangement occurring between
exon 7 of the centromeric SMN gene and exon 8 of the telomeric SMN gen
e. Circumstantial evidence suggests that only a single copy of this ge
ne is present, with transcriptional characteristics of a centromeric S
MN gene. In addition, a homozygous deletion in the NAIP genes was demo
nstrated. This observation demonstrates that at least some cases with
fetal hypokinesia and SMA may represent the severe end of a spectrum o
f disorders caused by deletions in the SMA locus on chromosome 5q13. I
n addition, these findings are compatible with a modifying role for th
e centromeric SMN genes and the NAIP genes in the severity of the SMA