The effectiveness of high-protein oat flour, a by-product of an oat st
arch process, was studied in bread baking and sausage processing. Its
impact on sensory properties of products was assessed. High-protein oa
t flour enhanced water absorption and mixing stability of the dough. S
ome weakening of dough was found as indicated by a decrease in extensi
bility and resistance. Addition of oat flour increased loaf volume, en
larged grain size and darkened crumb color. It also caused some off-od
ors assessed as a decrease in ''cleanness'' of aroma. Sausages contain
ing high-protein oat flour formed an external gel-like layer under the
casing during processing, probably caused by the low pH of the flour.
In sensory analyses the sausages were judged less firm and juicy than
the control. The ''cleanness'' of odor and flavor of the sausages was
distinctively diminished. Cereal products should be considered the pr
imary products for utilization of high-protein oat flour.