The electrical characteristics of various diamond power device structu
res have been analysed using a two-dimensional numerical simulator cod
e for semiconductor devices. The convergence of the simulator for diam
ond-based devices has been demonstrated and the simulation results ind
icate a superior power-handling capability of the diamond devices comp
ared with equivalent silicon devices. In vertical recessed gate diamon
d power junction field effect transistors a very high current density
and a high transconductance can be achieved. In the case of silicon an
d diamond devices having equivalent breakdown voltages the size of the
diamond device can be reduced significantly. However, in small vertic
al structures the appearance of the space-charge-limited current stron
gly reduces the gate control of the current. In lateral diamond power
metal-semiconductor field effect transistors the gate control is good
even in small 1000 V devices, which also have a very low on state resi
stance 7 mOMEGA cm2.