In this paper, a modelling method entitled MOOD (Modelling approach to
Object-Oriented Design) is proposed for the design of object-oriented
system software. The method employs entity-refinement, functional mod
elling, and object modelling techniques to model the world of solution
-domain objects. The modelling result based on MOOD forms a set of gra
phic notations that describe the structure, functions, and client-serv
er relationships among the entities. These graphic notations can be ma
pped directly into object-oriented programming constructs during the i
mplementation phase. MOOD devotes special attention to the reuse of ex
isting components or newly designed components for future reuse. Unlik
e other methods, which find objects from textural statements, the enti
ty-refinement approach proposed here can identify all the entities and
their operations within the solution domain. MOOD is compared with ex
isting methods to show its feasibility and uniqueness.