To improve the fundamental understanding of the physics of the flash e
vaporation process, pool flash evaporation experiments were conducted
in a 152 mm diameter chamber with initial water temperatures of 40-80
degrees C, and superheats of 2-7 degrees C. Several critical transitio
n points were identified or discovered: (1) a critical time at which t
he rate of ebullition and evaporation diminishes abruptly, (2) an init
ial water temperature (T-i) at which the non-equilibrium temperature d
ifference attains a minimum, (3) a critical initial water temperature
at which the expected observed trend of decreasing non-equilibrium tem
perature difference (NETD) with decreasing depth reverses itself and (
4) a critical initial pool depth at which partial derivative(2)(NETD)p
artial derivative T-i(2) changes sign from positive at smaller depths
to negative at larger depths. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All right
s reserved.