In the present study the karyological characteristics of three species
of genus Steptorhamphus Bunge have been described. Two populations of
S. czerepanovii Kirp., one of S. persicus (Bioss.) O. et B. Fedtsch.
and six of S. tuberosus (Jacq.) Grossh. have been examined. For each s
pecies the morphological type, the total length of the chromosome pair
s and the diploid set, the centromeric index and the index of the kary
otype asymmetry have been determined. All species have stable chromoso
me numbers: 2n = 16, but they are well differentiated karyotypically.
S. persicus - 2n = 2M + 10SM + 2SA + 2SA(s), S. czerepanovii - 2n = 10
SM + 2SM(s) + 2SA + 2SA(s) and S. tuberous - 2n = 12SM + 2SM(s) + 2SA(
s). These data were previously unknown.