Fuji Prescale film is a pressure-sensitive medium which produces a cha
racteristic pink stain on the application of pressure. Up to a saturat
ion level, increases in pressure will produce a denser stain, thereby
providing a method of determining pressures within the interface betwe
en two articulating surfaces. The relationship between the magnitude o
f applied pressure and the optical density of the resulting stain is n
on-linear; this relationship also varies with ambient temperature and
humidity, in addition to load rate, and therefore requires a calibrati
on procedure prior to use. The use of Fuji prescale film for recording
interface pressures within the joint space in vitro has been widely r
eported; however, the object of this study teas to assess the effects
of sterilizing this medium, with a view to future in vivo applications
. Samples of Fuji film mere sterilized using a standard ethylene oxide
(ETO) gas process and their subsequent pressure-recording properties
were compared to a control group of samples. The 'optical-density vs p
ressure' relationship for the sterilized group teas significantly diff
erent from that of the control group (paired Student's t-test, P < = 0
.001); however, both groups provided reliable data across the same pre
ssure-range and both exhibited an excellent degree of repeatability (c
oefficient of variation < 2.5%). it war concluded that Fuji film will
continue to produce pressure-stains following ETO sterilization; howev
er, the calibration of this film will only be valid if it is conducted
using film from the sterilized group.