A comprehensive understanding of the relationship between road acciden
t occurrence and severity of consequences permits the formulation of s
afety measures that are most cost-effective. A disaggregate model of r
oad accident severity based on sequential logit models is presented. T
he sequential binary approach is able to account for the dependency be
tween different levels of severity. Factors that affect the level of d
amage experienced by individuals involved in road accidents include th
e following: accident dynamics, seating position, vehicle condition, v
ehicle size, driver condition, and driver action. Separate models are
calibrated for three accident situations: single-vehicle accidents, tw
o-vehicle accidents, and multi-vehicle accidents. Ontario road acciden
t police reports are used to calibrate and validate the models. The re
sults of a simple application of the models to a safety protocol invol
ving the effectiveness of passenger restraint devices are presented.