Morphological consequences of hybridization were studied in a group of
three interbreeding species of Darwin's finches on the small Galapago
s island of Daphne Major in the inclusive years 1976 to 1992. Geospiza
fortis bred with G. scandens and G. fuliginosa. Although interbreedin
g was always rare (< 5%), sufficient samples of measurements of hybrid
s and backcrosses were accumulated for analysis. Five beak and body di
mensions and mass were measured, and from these two synthetic (princip
al-component) traits were constructed. All traits were heritable in tw
o of the interbreeding species (G. fuliginosa were too rare to be anal
yzed) and in the combined samples of F-1 hybrids and backcrosses to G.
fortis. In agreement with expectations from a model of polygenic inhe
ritance, hybrid and backcross classes were generally phenotypically in
termediate between the breeding groups that had produced them. Hybridi
zation increased additive genetic and environmental variances, increas
ed heritabilities to a moderate extent, and generally strengthened phe
notypic and genetic correlations. New additive genetic variance introd
uced by hybridization is estimated to be two to three orders of magnit
ude greater than that introduced by mutation. Enhanced variation facil
itates directional evolutionary change, subject to constraints arising
from genetic correlations between characters. The Darwin's finch data
suggest that these constraints become stronger when species with simi
lar proportions hybridize, but some become weaker when the interbreedi
ng species have different allometries. This latter effect of hybridiza
tion, together with an enhancement of genetic variation, facilitates e
volutionary change in a new direction.