The investigation covers a temperature range from 200 to 450 K. Thermo
electric power measurements of In2S3 crystals showed that all samples
under investigation have a positive TEP in all temperature ranges, ind
icating n-type conductivity for In2S3 crystals. The ratio of the elect
ron and hole mobilities is mu(n)/mu(p) = 4.71. The effective mass of e
lectrons m(n) is found to be 0.00008 x 10(-31) kg. The obtained effec
tive masses of holes m(p) = 1.893 x 10(-31) kg. The diffusion coeffic
ient for both carriers (electrons and holes) is evaluated to be 84.71
cm2/s and 17.985 cm2/s respectively. The mean free time between collis
ion is estimated to be tau(n) = 1.7 x 10(-20) s, and tau(p) = 8.5 x 10
(-17)s. The estimated diffusion length for electrons is found to be L(
n) = 1.2 x 10(-9) cm and L(p) = 3.9 x 10(-8) cm.