Using marine Chlamydomonas as food, the food requirement of bisexual b
rine shrimp Artemia franciscana was estimated in terms of nitrogen in
order to assist production. The ingested food was theoretically fracti
onated to the maintenance, somatic growth and reproduction of nauplius
and cyst. While feeding marine chlamydomonad (5 pg N/cell) to the shr
imp (L mm), the daily maintenance ration was almost proportional to th
e cube of body length (2.952) and was 2844 cells/shrimp/day for shrimp
of 1 mm length at 28-degrees-C. On the basis of ingested food, the so
matic food conversion efficiency was 67%. The efficiency of nauplius p
roduction was 23% and that of cyst production was 44%, based on the fo
od taken by a pair of shrimps. Including the reproductive products as
growth, the gross conversion efficiency was 16% in the groups from whi
ch the maintenance ration and somatic conversion factor were obtained,
and 24% in the groups from which the reproductive conversion factors
were obtained. The reproductive growth per total growth increased with
the body length and the feeding rate, and was zero below 5.7 mm in le
ngth and 1.0 times the daily maintenance ration.