Objective: To investigate the immunosuppresive effect of rapamycin in
prolonging allograft survival in the rat model of orthotopic allogenei
c penetrating keratoplasty. Design: Thirty inbred Lewis rats received
corneal allografts from Brown Norway donors. Animals were divided into
two rapamycin treatment groups and one allogeneic control group. Resu
lts: By the second week after surgery, all of the control animals had
experienced allograft failure due to allograft rejection. However, all
ografts in seven of 10 animals in the low-dose treatment group and all
ografts in seven of nine animals in the high-dose treatment group rema
ined clear. In addition, corneal neovascularization was markedly reduc
ed in the treated animals. Conclusion: The systemic administration of
rapamycin prolongs corneal allograft survival and significantly inhibi
ts the neovascular component of rejection in the rat model of orthotop
ic allogeneic penetrating keratoplasty.