Background: Familial multiple cafe au lair spots (CLS) represent a rar
e, autosomal dominant pigmentary disorder characterized by the multipl
e CLS seen in neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1) but differing from NF-1
by the absence of neurofibromas and other neural crest tumors. Observa
tions: We describe multiple CLS in 12 patients from three families, ea
ch with at least two generations of affected adults. The clinical pres
entation was consistent within families. In one family, the CLS were a
ccompanied by axillary and inguinal freckling and Lisch nodules. Other
wise, none of the 12 patients had neurofibromas or noncutaneous manife
stations of NF-1. Conclusions: These families provide further evidence
that patients may have multiple CLS, with or without axillary freckli
ng or Lisch nodules, and yet not have NF-1. Care must be taken when co
unseling families with CLS that the diagnosis of NF-1, with its many a
ssociated potential problems, is not made erroneously. Studies of the
gene mutation(s) of patients with familial multiple CLS are needed to
distinguish NF-1 and familial multiple CLS as distinct disorders.