Objective.-To investigate the effects of aging on mechanisms of body e
nergy regulation and thereby determine the causes of unexplained weigh
t loss in older persons, a factor predisposing to premature death and
disability. Design.-Dietary intervention study. Setting.-Metabolic war
d and outpatient. Participants.-The subjects were 35 healthy younger a
nd older men of normal body weight consuming a diet of typical composi
tion and performing usual activities. Main Outcome Measures.-Subjects
were either overfed by a mean (+/-SD) of 4.09 (+/-0.26) MJ/d (n=17) or
underfed by 3.17 (+/-0.68) MJ/d (n=18) for 21 days. Measurements were
made of changes in body weight, body composition, and energy expendit
ure during overfeeding or underfeeding, and of subsequent voluntary nu
trient intakes and changes in body weight. Results.-There was no signi
ficant effect of aging on changes in body composition, body weight, or
energy expenditure with overfeeding or underfeeding. However, followi
ng overfeeding, younger men exhibited spontaneous hypophagia, whereas
the older men did not (mean [+/-SD] changes in energy intake relative
to control values were -2.11 [+/-2.18] and 1.55 [+/-2.11] MJ/d, respec
tively; P=.006). As a result, the younger men lost the excess body wei
ght gained during overfeeding but the older men did not. Similarly, fo
llowing underfeeding, the younger men exhibited hyperphagia while the
older men did not (mean [+/-SD] changes in energy intake relative to c
ontrol values were 1.88 [+/-2.31] and -0.52 [+/-1.54] MJ/d, respective
ly; P=.02), and as a result the older men failed to regain the weight
lost during underfeeding. Conclusions.-These results in 35 men suggest
that aging may be associated with a significant impairment in the abi
lity to control food intake following overeating or undereating. Since
overeating and undereating occur routinely as part of the normal patt
ern of energy regulation, the findings reported herein may help to exp
lain the vulnerability of older persons to unexplained weight gain and
weight loss.