A variety of age-related changes in the blood-brain barrier transport
processes have been identified. These include reduced hexose and butyr
ate transport, reduced choline transport, reduced triiodothyronine tra
nsport without a change in the transport of neutral and basic amino ac
ids. The potential mechanisms underlying these age-related changes inc
lude hemodynamic alterations in the cerebral circulation of aged rats,
notably increased occurrence of arteriovenous shunting. Additional ag
e-related changes in cerebral microvessels include alterations in prot
ein composition, and increased accumulation of lipid peroxidation bypr
oducts, along with changes in membrane fluidity of isolated cerebral m
icrovessels. In addition, neurotransmitter activity notably beta adren
ergic neurotransmission, is significantly reduced in cerebral microves
sels of aged rats. These alterations taken together may account for so
me of the age-related changes in the blood-brain barrier.