Aggressive chemotherapy of leukemia increases the risk of severe infec
tions during treatment-induced myelosuppression. However, the assessme
nt of an infectious origin of neutropenic fever is often difficult. Le
ukocyte adhesion molecules such as E-selectin, intercellular adhesion
molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) are
involved in early inflammatory response. We studied plasma concentrat
ions of their soluble isoforms during 48 treatment courses with myeloa
blative chemotherapy in 32 leukemic patients. There were 35 febrile ep
isodes during neutropenia. Pneumonia was clinically and microbiologica
lly documented in 15 cases, six had proven infections but normal chest
radiograph, and 14 were classified as fever of unknown origin. Longit
udinal studies revealed a sustained increase of sICAM-1 plasma levels
associated with pneumonia. Increase of sICAM-1 plasma levels distingui
shed patients with pneumonia from those with fever not related to pneu
monia (positive predictive value 0.87, negative predictive value 0.94)
. Plasma levels of sICAM-1 were elevated in both, fungal and non-funga
l pneumonia. Increases of sICAM-1 paralleled first radiographic eviden
ce of pulmonary infiltrations in most cases. In contrast, no elevation
of sVCAM-1 or sE-selectin was documented during febrile events prior
to recovery of leukocyte counts.