Pore-fluid pressure gradients in Lower Teritary to Upper Jurassic mudr
ocks in the Gullfaks area show significant variations, both between an
d within individual structural compartments. Detection and quantificat
ion of abnormal pore-pressures, based on drilling parameters and wire
line logs, are significantly influenced by petrological variations in
the mudrocks and to not provide adequate direct pressure indicators. E
mpirical models show that the degree of overpressuring in mudrocks abo
ve the Gullfaks reservoirs cannot be fully explained by processes such
as shale dehydration, compaction disequilibrium, aquathermal effects
or in situ hydrocarbon generation, and other processes, such as caproc
k failure and subsequent migration of hydrocarbons (mainly gas) into t
he overlying mudrocks, appear to be influential in generating the obse
rved pattern of overpressure.