Aluminium nitride films are deposited by reactive rf sputtering, and a
wide variation of deposition parameters is examined. Optical and stru
ctural properties dependent on these parameters are studied, and e.g.
the optical band gap, the degree of crystallinity, and the effects of
hydrogen incorporation are determined. Electronic properties of the fi
lms are measured by applying X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and elec
tron energy loss spectroscopy. From these data an AlN energy level sch
eme was derived. Depth profiles of AlN on Si are measured mainly by se
condary ion mass spectroscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy. They lea
d to the conclusion that the interfaces are relatively sharp (5 to 10
nm) if the film is deposited at moderate temperatures (< 500-degrees-C
) and at moderate sputter powers (< 500 W).