Forty-two patients with posttraumatic headache of at least three month
s duration following motor vehicle accident completed the Postconcussi
on Syndrome Checklist which assessed their experience of 10 commonly r
eported cognitive, emotional, and physical symptoms. The patients also
completed the Beck Depression Inventory and a brief battery of neurop
sychological tests. Results indicated that postconcussion symptoms rem
ained quite prevalent among these subjects. More pronounced postconcus
sion symptomatology was associated with significantly greater impairme
nt on 6 of 13 measures of neuropsychological functioning. Neither seve
rity of subjects' postconcussion symptoms nor neuropsychological test
performance were affected by litigation status. However, depressed sub
jects reported more severe cognitive and emotional symptoms than did n
ondepressed subjects. Additional information about postconcussion symp
tom prevalence and a description of the relationship between self-repo
rted symptoms, cognitive functioning on neuropsychological tests, and
depression is provided. The implications of these findings are discuss