The thermotropic mesomorphism and the solubility of the supercooled th
ermotropic mesophase of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug fenopro
fen calcium are investigated, The thermotropic mesophase is investigat
ed by different methods, including SEM, ODSC, FTIR, WAXD and TEM. The
mesophase formation is found to be basically due to the loss of the cr
ystalline bound water, and does not lead to a true melt (SEM, ODSC). T
he mesophase is determined to be of thermotropic (reversed) hexagonal
type, which for the first time could be visualized by transmission ele
ctron microscopy (WAXD, TEM). The structure of the supercooled mesopha
se which can be obtained by cooling the mesophase to room temperature,
is identical with the structure of the thermotropic liquid crystal (W
AXD). The solubility and the dissolution rate of the supercooled mesop
hase in water is higher than that of the crystalline dihydrate. The su
percooled mesophase however, can only be used to increase the pharmace
utical availability of fenoprofen calcium, if water contact during sto
rage is avoided.