We evaluated two patients who developed hypotonic maculopathy followin
g trabeculectomy and adjunctive 5-fluorouracil injections. Both patien
ts had ocular hypotony and decreased visual acuity following these inj
ections. The first case showed marked choroidal foldings, retinal stri
ae, increased retinal vascular tortuosity, engorgement and optic disc
oedema. The second case had radial perifoveal retinal striae, increase
d retinal vascular tortuosity and engorgement. The first patient regai
ned pre-operative visual acuity while the second case had a visual acu
ity of 20/25 without any intervention. Fundus changes were less marked
12 months after initial evaluation in both cases. Hypotonic maculopat
hy is a reversible complication of trabeculectomies with adjunctive us
e of 5-fluorouracil.