The structure of burrows of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus was
examined through resin casting. 17% of burrow casts in Loch Sween, Sc
otland, showed evidence of adult-juvenile complexes, while no independ
ent juvenile burrows were noted. 34% of N. norvegicus burrows showed e
vidence of interactions with other species, including the echiuran wor
m Maxmuelleria lankesteri, the goby Lesueurigobius friesii and the tha
lassinidean Jaxea nocturna. The spatial distribution of N. norvegicus
burrows was examined by seabed mapping while SCUBA diving. The burrows
appeared to become aggregated during late summer, with the aggregatio
ns breaking up into a random distribution over winter. A hypothesis in
volving the recruitment to the seabed and adult-juvenile burrow comple
xes is suggested as a possible cause of this change in distribution pa