We compared the clinical course of patients paced in VVIR versus DDDR
mode to determine the most appropriate method of pacing following card
iac transplantation. Pacemaker implantation was required in 9 of 90 or
thotopic cardiac transplants (10%). Indications included sinus bradyca
rdia or sinus arrest (8 patients) and AV node dysfunction (1 patient).
VVIR pacemakers were implanted in four patients and DDDR in five pati
ents. DDDR patients: The mean P wave was 1.7 mV and the mean atrial st
imulation threshold was 0.8 V (at 0.5 msec). During follow-up of to mo
nths, two atrial lead complications developed (29% of leads in 33% of
patients). No lead complications were directly related to endomyocardi
al biopsy. VVIR patients: All four patients developed VA conduction wi
th mean VA time 180 msec (160-240 msec). Two patients developed pacema
ker syndrome. Conclusions: VA conduction and pacemaker syndrome may de
velop in cardiac transplant recipients paced in the VVIR mode. Dual ch
amber pacing is technically feasible and preferable following cardiac