Calcium entry into excitable cells through voltage-gated calcium chann
els can be influenced by both the rate and pattern of action potential
s. We report here that a cloned neuronal alpha(1C) L-type calcium chan
nel can be facilitated by positive pre-depolarization. Both calcium an
d barium were effective as charge carriers in eliciting voltage-depend
ent facilitation. The induction of facilitation was shown to be indepe
ndent of intracellular calcium levels, G-protein interaction and the l
evel of phosphatase activity. Facilitation was reduced by the injectio
n of inhibitors of protein kinase A and required the coexpression of a
calcium channel beta subunit. In contrast, three neuronal non-L-type
calcium channels, alpha(1A), alpha(1B) and alpha(1E), were not subject
to voltage-dependent facilitation when coexpressed with a beta subuni
t. The results indicate that the mechanism of neuronal L-type calcium
channel facilitation involves the interaction of alpha(1) and beta sub
units and is dependent on protein kinase A activity. The selective vol
tage-dependent modulation of L-type calcium channels is likely to play
an important role in neuronal physiology and plasticity