Time-frequency distributions are enormously powerful tools for analysi
s of time series data. Often our data contain signals whose frequency
content may be changing with time. Capturing this change with good fre
quency and time resolutions has been the subject of much research in t
he last two decades. The Wigner distribution and the associated Cohen
class of generalized Wigner distributions offer a possible way to cond
uct such analysis. In this article I review some of the basic features
of the Wigner distribution and emphasize its relationship to the two-
dimensional ambiguity function. I discuss the interference terms that
arise in the Wigner distribution of multicomponent signals and define
the two most popular classes of kernal functions designed to eliminate
cross-term interference. I point out that experimental kernel functio
ns must be designed in the Doppler-lag domain with a complete knowledg
e of the signals of interest and give an example of an unusual kernel
in one application. I apply the methods outlined to two real data sets
obtained by APL staff during different experiments. For both sets, th
e Wigner distribution with appropriate kernel functions is shown to be
superior to the standard spectrogram.