Rao proposed and compared several approaches for predicting future obs
ervations in a growth curve model. The assessment of associated predic
tion efficiency for different prediction methods were evaluated by Cro
ss-Validation Assessment Error (CVAE). He used three data sets, each w
ith a limited number of subjects (13-27) and also with a limited numbe
r of repeated measurements (4-7) per subject, to illustrate the predic
tion methods. In the present paper, we applied four of the prediction
methods discussed by Rao, on a data set with a relatively large number
of subjects (174) and also with a larger number of measurements (21)
per subject, using the polynomial function and log-linear function. We
propose to use the restricted cubic spline function as an alternative
growth curve model and compare its performance with the polynomial fu
nction and log-linear function. It turns out that, at least for larger
data sets such as that used in this paper, the prediction methods per
form somewhat better when the growth is described by restricted cubic
spline function than when the growth is described by polynomial functi
on and log-linear function.