In the frame of operator algebraic quantum statistical mechanics, the
limiting Gibbs states for quantum lattice mean-field systems under the
influence of weak perturbations are analyzed. For a certain model cla
ss it is proved that all homogeneous states which minimize the functio
nal of the free energy density, can be calculated as the thermodynamic
limit of perturbed local Gibbs states. For uniformly bounded nets of
(not necessarily homogeneous) local perturbations with a well defined
asymptotical behaviour in the thermodynamic limit (approximately symme
tric, resp. quasi-symmetric nets) the existence of a unique limiting G
ibbs state is proved for the considered model class. An inhomogeneous
BCS-model and the Josephson junction of coupled superconductors are ex
amples for the applicability of the results. Finally, the relation of
the considered local perturbations to extended-valued lower-bounded op
erators affiliated with a von Neumann algebra as relative Hamiltonians
of two normal states is discussed.