The assessment is based on the analyses of pavement blowups presented
by the writer and his coworkers Dallis and Shade. The introduction rev
iews briefly the various early attempts to clarify the blowup phenomen
on. The next section describes the blowup mechanism, the adopted crite
rion of the ''safe temperature increase,'' and an outline of the analy
tical methodology this presentation is based on. The third section con
tains the analytical solutions for three typical pavement problems, th
e description of steps for their numerical evaluation as well as a lis
t: of the used pavement parameters, and a graphical presentation of th
e obtained results. The fourth and fifth sections contain a discussion
of the practical implications of the presented results for concrete p
avement design, as well as for assessing pavement blowups after years
of service. Also presented are a number of specific pavement problems
and suggestions of full-scale tests for the determination of the ident
ified pavement parameters.