Glyceryl trinitrate, isosorbide dinitrate, and isosorbide-S-mononitrat
e are organic nitrate esters commonly used in the treatment of angina
pectoris, myocardial infarction, and congestive heart failure. Organic
nitrate esters have a direct relaxant effect on vascular smooth muscl
es, and the dilation of coronary vessels improves oxygen supply to the
myocardium. The dilation of peripheral veins, and in higher doses per
ipheral arteries, reduces preload and afterload, and thereby lowers my
ocardial oxygen consumption. Inhibition of platelet aggregation is ano
ther effect that is probably of therapeutic value. Effects on the cent
ral nervous system and the myocardium have been shown but not scrutini
zed for therapeutic importance. Both the relaxing effect on vascular s
mooth muscle and the effect on platelets are considered to be due to a
stimulation of soluble guanylate cyclase by nitric oxide derived from
the organic nitrate ester molecule through metabolization catalyzed b
y enzymes such as glutathione S-transferase, cytochrome P-450, and pos
sibly esterases. The cyclic GMP produced by the guanylate cyclase acts
via cGMP-dependent protein kinase. Ultimately, through various proces
ses, the protein kinase lowers intracellular calcium; an increased upt
ake to and a decreased release from intracellular stores seem to be pa
rticularly important.