Age-synchronous cohorts of Caenorhabditis elegans were grown at 20 deg
rees C, then stressed at 30 degrees C or 35 degrees C. Intrinsic therm
otolerance of wild type and age-1 mutant strains was assessed by measu
ring either progeny production or survival. in addition to increased l
ife span (Age), mutation of age-1 results in a highly significant incr
eased intrinsic thermotolerance (Itt) as measured by survival at 35 de
grees C. Mean survival of ge strains is approximately 45% longer than
that of non-Age strains for both sterile and nonsterile worms. Thermot
olerance declines across the life span of both Age and non-Age strains
, but In was observed at almost all ages. Unstressed age-1 animals sho
wed a consistent and significant fertility deficit. Short thermal stre
sses can cause a dramatic reduction in progeny production for both Age
and non-Age genotypes. Mutants of age-1 showed a small but consistent
increased thermotolerance as measured by fertility. We propose that t
he enhanced ability of Age strains to cope with environmental stress m
ay be mechanistically related to their lower age-specific mortality ra