We use the 1994 publications Geography for Life: National Geography St
andards 1994 and the National Arts Standards as resources by which geo
graphy and art can be linked in K-4 curricula. After we briefly discus
s the respective standards, we feature one landscape painting, George
Inness' ''The Lackawanna Valley.'' We provide a simplified chronology
of the artist's life history, location of his exhibits, and a selected
listing of titles of paintings. We create a template of questions and
answers about the artist and the spatial significance of that paintin
g in the context of the evolution of the city of Scranton, Pennsylvani
a. Detailed information on George Inness as painter and George Scranto
n as an entrepreneur, is provided in a series of figures. Thus, throug
h analysis of one landscape painting, we document human activity over
space and time.