Purpose: Little data are available concerning the relation between the
muscular pumping mechanism and the variation of superficial and deep
venous pressure during normal action of the calf pump; therefore we un
dertook this study to determine the pressure values in three compartme
nts of the calf and in the deep and the superficial venous system and
to establish correlation between muscular and venous pressure. Methods
: Nine healthy young women with a mean age of 23 years (range 19 to 28
years) were examined. In the same calf, a muscular catheter was place
d in the deep posterior compartment (DPC), in the superficial posterio
r compartment (SPC), and in the anterior tibial compartment (ATC), and
a vascular catheter was placed in the popliteal vein and in the great
er saphenous vein (GSV). The five lines of pressure were simultaneousl
y recorded in the following situations: at rest, during Valsalva maneu
ver, foot flexion, and foot extension. The situation was studied with
the patient in the following positions: decubitus, sitting, standing,
and squatting. A final continuous recording was carried out after the
patient had been walking for 5 minutes. Results: Mean values with stan
dard errors of muscular and venous pressure were established in each s
ituation. At rest and during Valsalva maneuver, the muscular pressures
did not vary, whereas venous pressures increased significantly when t
he patient was sitting and standing. On the other hand, squatting was
associated with a rise in the muscular and vein pressures. Foot flexio
n entailed a significant increase in the ATC pressure and a rise in th
e GSV pressure, whereas foot extension caused the DPC pressure to rise
without venous pressure modifications. Walking was associated with an
alternating increase in the DPC, SPC, GSV and popliteal vein pressure
s when the foot was compressed to floor followed by a significant decr
ease when the foot pressure was released. Conclusions: The variations
in the deep and superficial venous pressures when the patient is sitti
ng and standing both at rest and during Valsalva maneuver are not asso
ciated with an increase in the muscular pressure. On the contrary, dur
ing foot movements, the ATC and the DPC are responsible for superficia
l vein pressure variations without modifications of the SPC pressure.