Acoustic echo sounders have been used relatively successfully for seve
ral decades in the detection and possible classification of simple pop
ulations (i.e. single size, single species) of fish. One assumption us
ed in these studies is that the energy of the acoustic echo from a sch
ool of fish is related to the biomass of the animals via a simple line
ar regression curve. However, as a result of the natural species diver
sity within zooplankton aggregations, use of acoustic methods to quant
ify the populations of zooplankton represents a challenge because the
acoustic scattering properties of each gross anatomical class of zoopl
ankton are quite unique. As a result, large errors can occur if one re
lies on a simple regression curve to describe the echo energy/biomass
relationship. Because of the great importance of understanding variabi
lity of echo levels due to changes in anatomical features of these ani
mals, we embarked on an experimental investigation in which ship-board
and land-based laboratory measurements of echo levels were made on fr
eshly caught zooplankton. Our results indicate variation by a factor o
f about 19 000 to 1 (43 dB) in the relative average echo energy per un
it biomass due to animals ranging from fluid-like (salps) to elastic-s
helled (gastropods).