Objective: To compare two different Doppler echocardiographic techniqu
es for the assessment of the transmittal area in pregnant patients wit
h native mitral valve stenosis or prosthetic mitral valves. Methods: E
ight consecutive gravid women with prosthetic mitral valves or obstruc
tive native mitral valve disease were evaluated using both the pressur
e half-time and the continuity equation Doppler echocardiographic meth
ods. Heart rate, cardiac output, and transmitral valve gradient and ar
ea were calculated. These studies were repeated postpartum in five wom
en. Differences between the two methods were assessed by characterizin
g the absolute differences between the mean and standard deviation and
by paired t tests. Linear regression analysis was also applied. Resul
ts: For the five women who also had postpartum studies, antepartum dat
a were similar to those of the full set of eight patients. Postpartum
heart rate, cardiac output, and transvalvular gradient were lower than
antepartum measurements. Calculations using the continuity equation y
ielded comparable antepartum and postpartum estimates of transmitral a
reas (1.31 +/- 0.41 versus 1.32 +/- 0.44 cm(2) respectively, r = 0.96)
. These estimates were also consistent with the initial clinical prese
ntation. In contrast, antepartum transmitral valve areas calculated us
ing the pressure halftime technique (2.67 +/- 0.61 cm(2)) were markedl
y higher than postpartum (1.94 +/- 0.58 cm(2)). The correlation betwee
n the estimates of antepartum valve area given by the two methods was
not statistically significant (r = 0.02). In contrast, there was excel
lent postpartum correlation of transmittal area between the methods (r
= 0.99), despite a significant difference (P < .001) in the transmitr
al area calculated with each technique. Conclusions: The results indic
ate that Doppler echocardiographic estimates of the transvalvular area
using the continuity equation technique during pregnancy are valid. I
n contrast, estimates of area using the pressure half-time technique i
n pregnant patients are dubious and could result in life-threatening c