OLIVINE and (Mg,Fe)SiO3 pyroxene, the most abundant minerals in the Ea
rth's upper mantle, are believed to transform to high-pressure phases
at similar to 400 km depth(1-5). The possible metastable persistence o
f olivine to greater depths in some subduction zones-with consequences
for the origin of deep-focus earthquakes and the dynamics of subducti
on-has been discussed extensively(6-14) but the role of other mantle m
inerals has not been considered. We report here an experimental study
of the kinetic behaviour of the magnesian pyroxene enstatite (MgSiO3)
at upper-mantle conditions. We find that, whereas forsterite (Mg-olivi
ne, Mg2SiO4) transforms rapidly to beta-phase at 1,200 degrees C and 1
6 GPa, the transformation of enstatite to beta-phase plus stishovite o
n the same time-scale requires much higher temperatures. At lower temp
eratures, enstatite transforms directly to the ilmenite structure, but
only at pressures greater than 20 GPa. Enstatite should therefore per
sist metastably to greater depths than olivine in Subduction zones, tr
ansforming directly tb the ilmenite structure. The enstatite-ilmenite
transformation is accompanied by a large decrease in volume, which sho
uld increase the stresses in subducting slabs, change the buoyancy for
ces that drive Subduction, and might also contribute to the origin of
deep-focus earthquakes.