The retroviral life cycle and genetic plasticity of human immunodefici
ency virus 1 (HIV-1) present unprecedented therapeutic challenges. Twe
lve years into the HIV epidemic, satisfactory treatment remains elusiv
e. Our current understanding of AIDS pathogenesis calls for early inte
rvention with antiviral agents. Although still in its infancy, human g
ene therapy holds considerable potential for the long term treatment o
f genetic disorders, cancer and chronic infectious diseases. Gene ther
apy for HIV infection is receiving particularly intensive study: appro
aches that are in development include both immunotherapy (e.g. therape
utic vaccines and adoptive transfer of CD8(+) T-cell clones) and direc
t antiviral therapy (intracellular immunization). The latter strategie
s include transdominant modifications of HIV proteins, RNA decoys, ant
isense RNA, ribozymes and modifications of cellular proteins (e.g. int
racellular antibodies, soluble CD4). Several of these strategies are n
ow entering clinical trials. While significant conceptual and technica
l hurdles remain to be overcome before the promise of gene therapy for
HIV infection can be fully realized, progress in this field is likely
to be rapid and to contribute to the border applicability of human ge
ne therapy to the treatment of other disorders.