Objectives. This study examined whether self-rated health is an indepe
ndent and significant predictor of mortality in people with; diabetes,
using data collected in the Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic
Retinopathy. Methods. Participants were asked to rate their health in
comparison with others their age. A proportional hazards model was us
ed to regress survival time on self-rated health and a number of covar
iates measuring physical health. Results. People with younger onset di
abetes (n = 891) who rated their health relative to their peers as ''w
orse''' or ''don't know'' were no more likely to die than those rating
their health as ''the same'' or ''better'' when physical health statu
s was controlled. In contrast, those with older onset diabetes (n = 98
7) who rated their health as ''worse'' or ''don't know'' were almost t
wice as likely to die as those rating their health as ''the same'' or
''better'' when physical health status was controlled. Conclusions. Se
lf-rated health is a significant predictor of mortality in people with
alder onset diabetes but not in those with younger onset diabetes whe
n physical health status is controlled.