The intrinsic membrane properties of perirhinal cortical neurons were
studied by intracellular recording in in vitro rat brain slices. Gross
morphology was also examined through injection of the fluorescent dye
carboxyfluorescein. The cells encountered displayed a diversity of el
ectrophysiological properties, and were similar to cells reported in o
ther neocortical areas with regard to spiking patterns, afterpotential
s, and morphology. However, very few (4%) intrinsically bursting neuro
ns were encountered. Two pyramidal cells with thick apical dendrites w
ere filled, and both fired doublets of action potentials for their fir
st suprathreshold events. Of the filled pyramidal cells with thin apic
al dendrites, most (9/11) fired single action potentials for their fir
st suprathreshold events. A variety of classification schemes were use
d to group the data, and several schemes were found to be equally succ
essful. According to one of the schemes, cells recorded with carboxyfl
uorescein filled electrodes had significantly greater action potential
widths at half-amplitude and more depolarized resting potentials than
cells recorded without this dye.