The brittle compressive failure of cubes of columnar saline ice was st
udied under triaxial (proportional) loading where the ratio of normal
stresses (sigma(11):sigma(22):sigma(33)) was varied in a systematic ma
nner using a true multiaxial loading system. The strain rate in the di
rection of the greatest applied compressive stress was 6 x 10(-3) s(-1
) and the temperature was -10 degrees C. The failure surface is facete
d and reveals three regimes: (1) of lower across-column confinement wh
ere the along-column confinement has no significant effect on the majo
r across-column stress at failure, but where the minor across-column s
tress raises the strength; (2) of higher across-column confinement whe
re along-column confinement now raises the major across-column stress
at failure; and (3) of predominantly along-column loading where the al
ong-column failure stress increases in proportion to the smaller of th
e two across-column confining stresses. Each regime shows a high sensi
tivity of strength to the appropriate confining stress. The behavior i
s explained in terms of the frictional crack sliding-wing crack mechan
ism of brittle compressive failure.