This paper discusses a computerized algorithm to derive the formula fo
r the likelihood ratio for a kinship problem with any arbitrarily defi
ned relationships based on genetic evidence. The ordinary paternity ca
se with the familiar likelihood formula 1/2q is the commonest example.
More generally, any miscellaneous collection of people can be genetic
ally tested to help settle some argument about how they are related, w
hat one might call a ''kinship'' case. Examples that geneticists and D
NA identification laboratories run into include sibship, incest, twin,
inheritance, motherless, and corpse identification cases. The strengt
h of the genetic evidence is always described by a likelihood ratio. T
he general method is described by which the computer program finds the
formulas appropriate to these various situations. The benefits and th
e interest of the program are discussed using many examples, including
analyses that have previously been published, some practical problems
, and simple and useful rules for dealing with scenarios in which ance
stral or fraternal types substitute for those of the alleged father.