We have measured quantitatively the temperature dependence of the loca
l distortions of PbTiO3 crystals below and above the structural fenoel
ectric phase transition, using x-ray absorption fine-structure (XAFS)
measurements. Two probe atoms, Pb and Ti, were used. The results were
analyzed by fitting parametrized theoretical XAFS spectra to the exper
imental results. These measurements provide quantitative ''distortion
parameters'' defined as the difference between the distance of the pro
be to its nearest neighbor measured in the actual structure and that i
n a centrosymmetric structure with the same unit cell dimensions. At l
ow temperatures the Pb-edge spectra were fit using four shells and inc
luded single, double, and triple scattering configurations. The high-t
emperature fits included only two shells. The Ti-edge spectra were fit
ted with the first shell only. The Pb and Ti distortions vary relative
ly Little with temperature below the transition and decrease faster ne
ar the transition temperature. Above the transition temperature, the P
b and Ti distortions at the peaks of their distortion distribution fun
ctions (DDF's) are both more than 70% of the corresponding low-tempera
ture values. These results show that an essential element of order-dis
order is present even in this nominally pure ferroelectric crystal whi
ch displays a soft mode and a dielectric constant typical of displaciv
e-type ferroelectrics. The presence of the local distortions suggests
that the displacements should have at least two correlation length sca
les, one associated with the the local distortions, the other with the
order parameter.