Drug-induced parkinsonism (DIP) is frequent. The list of drugs able to
induce parkinsonism is long and probably incomplete, because new drug
s, with previously unknown antidopaminergic activity, are constantly b
eing added. Not all the drugs have the same potency for inducing parki
nsonism. We classify these drugs in three groups: (1) drugs with obvio
us antidopaminergic activity which regularly induce parkinsonism; (2)
drugs able to induce parkinsonism in particular individuals and (3) dr
ugs which may aggravate Parkinson's disease treated with levodopa. The
reports of isolated cases of parkinsonism induced by widely-used drug
s (drugs in group 2) may be the result of either an idiosyncratic side
effect or a misdiagnosis of parkinsonism. The antidopaminergic activi
ty of the drugs of this group is weak and not sufficiently demonstrate
d. Maybe, in these cases, the blockage of other neurotransmitters diff
erent from dopamine plays a role in the induction of parkinsonism. Pro
bably, the number of patients with DIP is higher than reported or dete
cted, because many patients suffer from weak symptoms that quickly dis
appear after drug withdrawal. One of the main points of interest is kn
owing the list, because all these drugs, specially those of group 1, s
hould be avoided or used with caution in the treatment of some common
symptomatic problems in patients with Parkinson's disease, such as dep
ression, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and cardiac disorder
s. The precautions should extend to other populations especially susce
ptible to suffer from DIP, such as the elderly or patients with other
neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease.