We have quantified the influence of lens sutural anatomy on optical qu
ality (focal length variability, i.e. spherical aberration) in adult m
onkeys (Macaque nemestrina). Adult lenses (n = 6) were initially scann
ed by a low-power helium-neon laser beam that was passed at a series o
f acute angles to, and/or directly through, lens sutures. Optical anal
ysis showed that while the 'star' sutures of primate lenses exerted a
quantifiable negative effect on focal length variability, this detrime
ntal effect was far less significant than that attributable to 'line'
and 'Y' sutures in non-primate lenses. Correlative morphological and 3
-D computer-assisted drawing (CAD) analysis of the laser-scanned lense
s areas, as well as of variably aged lenses (n = 30), revealed that pr
imates have a more complex lens architecture than non-primates. Nonpri
mate lenses feature suture planes, aligned along the Visual axis that
are responsible for a significant quantifiable increase in spherical a
berration. Primate lenses are characterized by an absence of continuou
s suture planes aligned along the visual axis. Rather, 3-D-CADs of pri
mate lenses demonstrate that distinct generations of progressively mor
e complex sutures are produced as a function of development, growth, a
nd age. In succession, 'Y' sutures (three branches) are formed through
out embryonic development,'simple star' sutures (three-six branches) e
volve after birth and through infancy, 'star' sutures (six-nine branch
es) are made in young adult lenses and, finally, 'complex star' suture
s (nine-15 branches) are laid down from middle through old age. In vie
w of the fact that slit-lamp evaluation of cataractous lenses often re
veals abnormally thin zones of discontinuity, it is significant to not
e that the temporal development of the zones of discontinuity in norma
l human lenses is essentially identical to the progressive iteration o
f offset monkey lens sutures. In conclusion, these studies describe a
specific structural aspect of lenses that adversely influences optical
quality, and relates it to the most commonly employed clinical techni
que to identify and monitor the progress of cataracts.