Hematologic evaluation of a 7-year-old Thoroughbred mare prior to celi
otomy for large colon displacement and sand impaction revealed thrombo
cytopenia (17,000 platelets/mu l). An enterotomy was performed to remo
ve the impaction. Heparin, which was commenced intraoperatively, was c
ontinued postsurgery because of persistent thrombocytopenia attributed
to ongoing disseminated intravascular coagulation. Heparin was discon
tinued after 48 hours due to suspected heparin-induced anemia. Despite
uneventful recovery, thrombocytopenia persisted. EDTA-dependent pseud
othrombocytopenia is a rare phenomenon that should be considered in ho
rses with thrombocytopenia, absence of clinical bleeding, and no appar
ent etiology for thrombocytopenia. Abnormal platelet counts should alw
ays be verified by examination of a peripheral blood smear. EDTA-depen
dent pseudothrombocytopenia is best investigated by repeating platelet
counts on blood freshly anticoagulated with Na(3)citrate.